Georgia Seeks To Tax Airbnb and VRBO

Up until now the state of Georgia has been missing out on tax revenue, that is from internet sales. So far thirty seven states have been collecting, making millions off of internet sales conducted in their state.

Specifically, the state tax is applicable to online third-party vendors otherwise known as “marketplace facilitators”.

Georgia Sen. Chuck Hufstetler commented, “These marketplace sellers are from all over the country and the world that sell to our consumers,” further adding, “They currently owe taxes on these sales but Georgia has not had an efficient manner to collect these taxes. So the marketplace facilitator structure is the best way to collect these taxes.”

State Rep. Brett Harrell is working hard to get the bill passed stating, “Thirty-seven of the states that have a sales tax have already passed bills like the one you have in front of you today,” he continued, “This bill does not tax any product or service that is not taxed today.”

Question still remains if online rental agencies such as Airbnb and VRBO would be included in the new tax system. However, it could actually be a benefit to property owners on the platforms.

"If you are a private owner of a property that you make available on the VRBO, this does two things that should be an advantage to us at private property owner," Harrell said, "number one, it puts the responsibility on the platform that entity to collect and remit, number two, it relieves you of the responsibility and the liability for collecting it."